Are you thankful? Here is one objective test to asses your thankfulness. What are you going to do on Friday? You know black Friday or UNthankful day.
- Are you leaving your family early so you can wait in line all night in order to get a big screen TV at half price, or to buy some gadget to resell on e-bay?
- Are you going to grab, horde and fight for all the extra flannel sheet sets or item you "need"?
- When you family wants to talk about how they are so blessed on Thursday are you consumed by the ads and making plan about how to get that 60% off piece of junk that you don't really need?
Now to score the test – if you answered yes to any of the 3 questions you are not thankful. Our homes are filled with so much junk already; do we really need a bunch of new junk? Stuff can not give us joy – it only comes from understanding the free gift of Jesus Christ and trusting Jesus alone for our eternal relationship with God. This is why we can be thankful. Enjoy your family and sleep in Friday.